An ideal customer is a single person in mind. They’re real, they’re not a figment of your imagination. Having a single ideal customer in mind will help you make better decisions in your business.
Ideal customer
The aim of any entrepreneur or marketer is to attract an ideal customer. The thing is, there are several different types of ideal customers and not all of them are worth it! Catering to those who cannot afford your products and services is a big no-no also, you will only end up wasting money. You can use Triggr to find similar prospects to your current clients.
So when looking at your ideal customer make sure you first define exactly what type of person they are and whether or not they can pay. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that everyone has money to spend on what you’re offering no matter how strong your marketing message is. Being able to afford your products/services does not always equate to a need for them (despite popular belief). Some people may need your product or service but simply be unable to pay for it at the moment. In any case the better approach should always be to focus on the top 5% of people with the most potential and then grow from there as opposed to watering down.
Build an ideal customer profile
An ideal customer profile provides a deeper, closer understanding of your reader and how they respond to marketing messages. Understanding what makes your ideal customers tick is the key to maintaining an open communication channel with them across platforms. Whether it’s through newsletters, blog articles or social media updates, you need to be providing unique value. These offerings are going to drive them back to your website and capture their attention so you can sell them on your brand. The more detailed you can get, the better: building buzzword-complicated personas are often more trouble than they’re worth.
Determine customer goals
Clarify exactly what your customers want and need by asking open-ended questions: “What do you want to accomplish?”, “What are your customers’ burning pains and desires?”, “What are their biggest frustrations in their searches?” etc. It’s important that you drill gradually deeper into the reasons behind these burning pains and desires. This is as this will help you determine how to better position yourself in front of them online. For instance, if one of your blog topics is about website security, then the following questions might apply:
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