
Access the most extensive hiring and contact data to give you the edge over the competition

Your new secret weapon in the battle for talent - Triggr

Reach top candidates first

Use Triggr to build highly targeted head hunting lists based off location, skills, time in role, job titles and more to find the best candidates who have the highest propensity to be open to new roles.

You can also search for businesses who are hiring roles you have great candidates for or are especially good at placing to bring on more clients and make more placements.

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Live Jobs Data

Access a live feed of all public job postings from the past 30 days for each and every business.

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Talent Sourcing

Uncover the companies that your client generally sources talent from.

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Hiring Trends

Historic month on month hiring trends by volume for all companies powered by all public web sources

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Trends and Insights

Discover the latest trends and insights specific to an account to gain an edge on the competiton

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Carl Gough
"We wouldn't have been able to scale our business without Triggr's ability to provide accurate phone numbers and sales intelligence at the C-Suite level."
Carl Gough Ceo at Meetmagic

Get Started with Triggr

✓ 7 day free trial

✓ Instant Access

✓ GDPR Aligned

✓ No credit Card Trial

✓ Monthly & Yearly Contracts

✓ Cancel anytime