B2B Social Media Marketing: The benefits and reason you need it


What is B2B Social Media Marketing?

Just like B2C, B2B social media marketing involves the use of social media platforms and tools to help expand awareness and promote business. The fact that it’s B2B means using different platforms to achieve different goals. It’s important not to put all your hopes into one platform. Why is this important? It means that you can’t neglect one of your key messaging platforms just because another works well for you. In other words, you’ll need to have a presence on ALL of these types of channels in order to really reach your target audience effectively. What kinds of channels might those be? Twitter, LinkedIn, You Tube and Blogs are excellent examples of b2b social networks. They are specifically great for reaching mobile users in a very wide demographic range.

What are the benefits?

1. Greater Brand Awareness

This is true for any kind of marketing, and social media is no exception. After all, a brand or product can’t succeed on social media if nobody knows about it, or the people who know about it don’t like what they see. By having an active presence on social networks, businesses can create awareness for their product. They can also establish their brand as an authority in the field. Social media also allows businesses to keep customers up to date with company updates that they might miss out on. Whether this means updating them on special offers or new available products, this gives the business a great opportunity to build strong relationships with customers.

2. Easier to listen to client feedback

As a professional in the marketing industry, it is important to remember that your job is to listen to your client. If your b2b business is active on social media, then you will find people looking to connect and share their voices with like minded individuals and businesses. They will be the best to reach out to and get direct feedback on your product or service. You can directly address issues and questions.

3. It is an active form of marketing

The advantages of using social media for marketing agencies would be that it is very active. It is targeted and can run for longer than a normal advertising slot. The ability to run campaigns over a few months has benefits. You can use them to build up brand awareness, promotion and keep the company’s name in the clients mind. This campaign will serve to remind the client that you are still available with their needs or services in which your firm specializes.  In summary, B2B social media is active in that it can be updated whenever an occasion arises as well as on regular intervals at no extra cost.

4. Improves search visibility

B2B social media marketing has the benefit of improving your search engine presence. It does not directly improve SEO ranking. However, it will help in driving more organic searches.

Next Steps

Now that the benefits are clear, it is important to integrate social media marketing into your B2B marketing strategy. To find who your ideal prospects to market to are, you can use software such as Triggr, which can help you find lookalike businesses to your current clients.

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