Are you doing inbound marketing? If so, you need to create several pieces of content every single day. Inbound marketing content is what attracts your prospects to your site, and it is what converts them into clients.
Types of inbound marketing content
Webinars, a form of seminar are very useful. They can provide an interactive approach for sharing useful information to your clients. Thus, it is a good form of content to promote your company’s products or services, encourage discussion and generate leads. They can also be used to communicate with current customers by engaging them in feedback, questions or educational tips.
Informative Videos
Creating and sharing videos is a great way to show your audience what you are all about through inbound marketing content. By sharing short and useful videos, you are able to present complex ideas in an easy to digest form. Videos can be easily embedded on other web pages, making them very versatile. Thus, this makes them great for authority sites that are working towards appearing as a third party resource. Video marketing is incredibly popular due to the rise of online video channels like YouTube.
Blogs are one of the easiest ways to establish credibility with your SEO by adding original content to your site. This is one of the main recommendations that Google makes regarding getting good rankings. It is also an ideal method of writing long form content for search engines, because it produces pages far longer than the normal static text of a web page. Blog posts are indexed quickly and appear near the top of search engine result listings if they use specific keywords. This is helpful when you want more consumers clicking on your website. People tend to like blog posts too because they can be referenced easily at any time. This which makes them easier for readers who like more detailed information about the product or service that you offer. Examples of blogs include Triggr and Hubspot.
Ebooks are excellent content verticals for attracting inbound traffic as they directly cater to the needs of your prospects. They can be very effective in breaking down hard topics. Thus, whatever type of guide or ebook it may be, a common trait for all of them is that you need to divide them into small, easy to digest chunks which contain visual elements.
White papers
A white paper is an authoritative report or guide that helps readers understand a complicated issue and make informed decisions. You can use it to promote your products. When writing white papers for your business, make sure to conduct thorough research beforehand and give all the information your audience will need. So, for added credibility, you might want to quote other experts within the field.
Newsletters are one of the oldest forms of media. With an estimated 3.9 billion email users worldwide, it is no wonder why newsletters to get in front of their target audiences on a regular basis. A well written and thoughtfully crafted newsletter is like a personal letter from the CEO. This is because it is both professional and friendly while still providing a good reflection of how your company operates.
One of the main reasons infographics work so well is that people tend to remember images up to 60% faster than they do text. They tend to be easier on the eyes. Thus, sharing an infographic on your blog, website or social media account will instantly grab attention.
Social Media
There are so many ways to use social media in your plan. This means that you do not need to focus on one network. The goal of social media marketing is to create awareness among your target audience. Commenting on other blogs, sharing their content or simply sending them a message can help increase your traffic. Posting questions within Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social network sites can spark business relationships.
In addition, you can also network with influencers who have a strong following in your niche. These people can help publicise your web pages and bring more traffic back to you. As a result of this process, these influencers may link back to you from their blog posts.
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